Monthly Archives: January 2020


Real Cost of the Bushfire Crisis

January 23rd, 2020

The current bushfire crisis in Australia has had a profound effect on people across the country. Human lives have been lost, animal populations have been decimated, and properties have been destroyed along with livelihoods. Twenty-seven people died in the fires, and authorities believe more than 2000 homes have been lost. The overall economic cost of the crisis is only just […]

Biggest Growth Suburbs over the Last Decade

January 20th, 2020

With 2019 now firmly behind us, it’s time to take a closer look at the decade that was. In order to put the current property market into some perspective, and see why some areas are moving much faster than others, it’s important to analyse the biggest movers and shakers over the past 10 years. Using data from, let’s take […]

Are We Ready for a Shorter Working Day

January 16th, 2020

The modern working day almost seems set in stone, with eight solid hours each day and 40 long hours stretched out over the week. Some forward-thinking organisations are trying to change the status quo, however, with time-limited working weeks and shorter days both trialled over recent years. As workloads shift and lifestyles become increasingly stretched, it turns out that working […]

Stairs & Hills for Health

January 13th, 2020

When it comes to exercise, the steepness of the slope has a huge effect on the final outcome. Rather than working out for hours in a flat and stable environment, fitness lovers are doing more with less by learning to enjoy the climb. Whether it’s taking the stairs to work or choosing the hilly section for your evening run, the […]

Chinese Advances on AI

January 6th, 2020

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to shape our future, with everything from workplace productivity to military might influenced by the intersection of technology and cognition. While the long-term outcomes of AI remain completely unknown, key advances in smart computing are already having a profound effect on how we work and play. China is gaining an edge in this brave new world, […]