

Household Wealth Reaches All-Time High

July 11th, 2014

Individual household wealth in Australia is at an all-time high, despite high levels of household debt and unaffordable property by global standards. In fact, the surging property market is the main factor behind the new wealth figures, with Australian property recently listed among the most expensive in the world by the IMF. While high property prices continue to cause problems […]

Australian Property Third Highest Worldwide

July 4th, 2014

A recent International Monetary Fund (IMF) report has illustrated what many Aussies already know – Australian property is expensive. In fact, according to the latest IMF Global Housing Watch, A ustralia ranks as the third least affordable place in the world to buy a house, behind only Belgium and Canada. However, even though property prices are out of whack with […]

The Future of Music Consumption

June 27th, 2014

While styles and genres of music continue to shift, changing patterns of music consumption are having the biggest influence on the music industry. Computers and the Internet have totally changed the way millions of people listen to music in the 21st century, as distribution networks adapt to technology and the music industry struggles to keep up. As music streaming services […]

Spices for Health

June 20th, 2014

Everyone knows that spices can excite your taste buds, but few realise just how beneficial they can be for your health. Spices have been used around the world for centuries, and have become an integral part of our nutritional intake. Spices are composed of an impressive list of nutritional compounds, from essential oils, phyto-nutrients and antioxidants through to the basic […]

China’s Growing Cities

June 15th, 2014

The economic expansion of China continues to change the landscape, as the nation’s cities rise up and stretch out at breathtaking speed. The growth of China’s cities is the most concrete example of just how fast the nation is changing, with traditional centres booming and new urban environments developed to meet the needs of the growing population. With China’s new […]

Aussie Dollar Rising Again

June 13th, 2014

The Australian dollar is on the rise, edging higher once again thanks to positive business confidence figures and promising economic data from China. While technical levels and global conditions make it impossible to accurately predict future movements, some analysts are convinced the Aussie dollar will return to parity with the greenback later this year. The Australian dollar reached a four-week […]