There are many reasons to seek out a new job. It could be a change in your own lifestyle, financial motivation, or the simple fact that you can't stand your boss. While a different career path may seem like a grand upheaval, statistics on the subject show that we will have between three and seven different careers within our lifetime.
Making a change as large as this is not an easy or a simple one. A career change can be many months, or even years in the making. However, if you're truly dissatisfied with your job, then the best time to start moving towards your new career is right now.
While you may know what you're doing right now isn't right for you, knowing what is doesn't always come naturally. If this applies to you, you may wish to speak with a career planner, or a professional who specialises in this area.
Finding out as much information as possible about your chosen industry is essential. Knowing the availability of openings, salary on offer and competitiveness within the field may shape the choices you make. Of course, you may also need to update your qualifications and skills.
Another step is to find someone that already has your dream job. Talk to them about what they actually do day-to-day, as well as what aspects of the role they love and hate. It's important to know what the reality of the job is, before you start investing time and resources into achieving it.
Before you take the leap into a new field, it's also important to know why you are wanting to make the change. You may have been longing to pursue a particular field for many years, or no longer feel challenged by your current work.
If you're dissatisfied with the management style of the company you work for, your boss or your colleagues, then you may be better off changing companies than changing careers.
The downside of a career change later on in life is having to start from the bottom of the heap again, not to mention the cut in salary that can come with it. The best way of avoiding this is to find ways that your current skills will translate into a higher level job, and demonstrate this to your prospective employer.
Taking out some time to brainstorm on what you can offer an employer can pay dividends. Often when we have been in the same role for many years, we take our skills for granted.
If time allows it, any training and experience within the field you can gain before you begin your job hunt will also help in attaining a position higher up the ladder.
Opening up a whole new career path can take some time and effort, however, if it leads to greater satisfaction in your life and work, it can be well worth it. ;